TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from Greenfield Village, Dearborn MI

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greenfieldvillage.jpg (21909 bytes)

Greenfield Village

modelT.jpg (27135 bytes)

Model T giving rides

croquet.jpg (39508 bytes)

Playing croquet

oldfordplant.jpg (46818 bytes)

First Ford plant

edisonlab.jpg (29220 bytes)

One of Edison's labs from Menlo Park

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Upstairs in the lab

wrightstore.jpg (44792 bytes)

Wright Brothers cycle shop

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Clock Tower

carousel.jpg (36745 bytes)


horse&buggy.jpg (31634 bytes)

Horse & Buggy in front of train station

watertower.jpg (30607 bytes)
Water tower
villageroad.jpg (25846 bytes)

Village road

roundtable1.jpg (48809 bytes)

Locomotive roundtable

roundtable2.jpg (32741 bytes)

Another view

locomotives.jpg (28602 bytes)

Inside Roundhouse

windmill.jpg (27344 bytes)


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English stone house
englishhouse.jpg (39194 bytes)

stone tower