TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from MG 2001, 2-6 July, St. Paul MN
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reststop.jpg (36472 bytes)

Rest stop in western IL

B'sat4points2.jpg (32831 bytes)

We made it!

B'sat4points.jpg (29060 bytes)

Returning from the show

Sue&JohnTwist.jpg (25921 bytes)

Sue & John Twist

MikeAsh.jpg (16497 bytes)

Mike Ash giving his SU seminar

electricslecture.jpg (16946 bytes)

Lucas electrics  seminar

kimberhall1.jpg (31310 bytes)

Kimber Hall, where seminars were held

Mike&B.jpg (22805 bytes)

Mike & his '79B

Barry&car.jpg (38126 bytes)

Barry & his  '69B

worksbldg.jpg (26245 bytes)

Works Bldg, hosted vendors

Barryatworks2.jpg (34571 bytes)
Our tour guide pointing the way
talentshow.jpg (41986 bytes)

Talent show

talentshow2.jpg (38250 bytes)


1stplacewinners.jpg (32714 bytes)

Some 1st place winners

boattailMGs.jpg (37861 bytes)

"Boattail" MGs

oldMGracers.jpg (30722 bytes)
Old MG racers
36rover.jpg (29305 bytes)
'36 Rover
TCs.jpg (38508 bytes)