TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the 2nd Annual 
Classic British Car Show of Williamsburg held 19 May 2001

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MGClub_Wilmsbg1.JPG (17373 bytes)

B's on the road

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Lineup of LBCs

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Another view

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Mike, Bob, & Jerry's MGBs

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Bob McClaren's 68 BGT

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Bill & Rosa Hoggard & '68B

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Bob, Bill & Rosa

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Barry fixing exhaust hanger
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Old Jags

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Jensen-Healey, TVR & Morgan

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Sue & her 'BGT

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Another nice GT

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Frank & his '74B
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Another view

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Frank takes 2nd in late MGs

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Emcee Doug Wilson

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Bs at Williamsburg Winery

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In front of the main building
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Bs on the Jamestown Ferry

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Heron at dusk