TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from "Britain on the Green"
British Car Show held 29 Apr 2002 at Woodlawn Plantation

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cosmosdiner.jpg (70835 bytes)

Leaving Cosmo's

Mvc-020f.jpg (29328 bytes)

Mount Vernon

mountvernon.jpg (62181 bytes)

Main house

barn.jpg (85244 bytes)

12-sided barn

riverview.jpg (46500 bytes)

View to Potomac River

viewtobarn.jpg (35277 bytes)

Pioneer farmer

washingtonsgrave.jpg (107874 bytes)

Washington's grave

lonemgb.jpg (59414 bytes)

Last to leave
mgsinrain.jpg (42047 bytes)

MG's in the rain

woodlawn2.jpg (78992 bytes)

Woodlawn Plantation

woodlawn.jpg (67572 bytes)

Closer view of main house

barry'sb.jpg (79696 bytes)

Barry's B & MG V8

rubberb's.jpg (75013 bytes)
Rubber bumper B's
mikeandsuecar.jpg (72307 bytes)

Mike's & Sue's Bs

Mvc-025f.jpg (47407 bytes)

Sue keeping dry

minis.jpg (92890 bytes)

Assorted Minis

Mvc-024f.jpg (45201 bytes)

MGB GT racer

suetakes2.jpg (79097 bytes)
Sue takes 2nd!
leaving.jpg (95655 bytes)

Leaving the show

reststop.jpg (71944 bytes)

Taking a pit stop on I-95