TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the RTR British Car Show
held 04 May 2003 at The Boulders in Richmond VA

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01 Cosmos DinerR1.jpg (30547 bytes)
Leaving Cosmo's Diner
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Rest stop in Waverly

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The field

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Gently used parts for sale

03 TMGC Early B'sR1.jpg (37514 bytes)

'Bs of Frank, Sue, & Robin

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Terry & his 1912 Triumph MC

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Chrome bumper 'Bs

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Rubber bumper 'Bs
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Sebring MGA

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Brooklands MG J2
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1960 Rover

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Australian Morris & Austin

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New & old Minis

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Frank Hurley accepting award
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The Hurleys

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Frank, Vince, & Vince's grandson Jared

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Mike & '79 MGB

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Robin & '74 MGB

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Sue,  granddaughter Taylor & '72 GT
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Terry Bond & granddaughter Taylor

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TMGC members

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Much-traveled '69 MGC GT

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1926 Rolls Royce

06 Antique Stop r1.jpg (33197 bytes)
'Bs at The Bargain Corner