TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the Fall Tech Session held on 9 November 

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Img_2669r.jpg (106539 bytes)

Looking at Mark's MGB

Img_2664r.jpg (88041 bytes)

Checking it out

03 Jersey  Wall B.jpg (77000 bytes)

Mark's Jersey Wall 'B

Rimg0299.jpg (81848 bytes)

Checking parts

05 Chuck & Becky wth Frank.jpg (80992 bytes)

Chuck & Becky with Frank

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Checking the charging cicuit

02 B-GT.jpg (81396 bytes)

Sue's 'GT

06 TD Bleed Brake's.jpg (87672 bytes)

Bleeding the brakes on the 'TD

Img_2663r.jpg (89348 bytes)


Img_2665r.jpg (98562 bytes)

'Bs by the Barn

04 5 Gears.jpg (81492 bytes)

Jim's 5-speed MGB

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Frank's yellow 'B

Rimg0304.jpg (75048 bytes)

Robin's '74 B

01 Model T 1914.jpg (80168 bytes)

Terry's toys