TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the Winery Tour to the Ashland VA area, 12-13 July

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Gathering at Cosmo's Diner
01 Trip planer Ready.jpg (85908 bytes)
Alan getting ready to leave

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The Theirgardts, Craigs, & Villers

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Robin & Olive Watson, Alan, Mike

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Beckey, Barb, Mike

03 1st Pitt stop.jpg (84912 bytes)

1st pit stop

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Grayhaven Winery

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Lunch at Grayhaven Winery
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Enjoying lunch

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Grayhaven guard dog
09 Sample of the wines.jpg (88389 bytes)

Tasting at Grayhaven

10 Wine sample's in handr.jpg (42670 bytes)

Getting ready to leave

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Cooper Vineyards
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MGs at Cooper Vineyards

14 Glass Ready.jpg (92760 bytes)
Tasting at Cooper Vineyards
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MGs at Cooper Vineyards

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Lake Anna Winery

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MGs at Lake Anna Winery
18 Wine Making Area.jpg (85532 bytes)

Learning how to make wine

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Tasting at Lake Anna Winery
19 Waiting to go again.jpg (81716 bytes)

Looking outside

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MGs at the Henry Clay Inn

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Another view
24 Relaxing at the INN.jpg (93542 bytes)

Relaxing at the Inn

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Train station
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Train station & Henry Clay Inn

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George taking picture of Amtrak train

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Amtrak leaving, freight train approaching
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Breakfast at the Inn

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Randolph Macon College across the street
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31 Alan Off the Track.jpg (82180 bytes)

Alan driving along the tracks

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MGs at James River Cellars
32A James River Winery.jpg (84404 bytes)
Members at James River Cellars
33 All about the WINESr.jpg (52466 bytes)
Learning about wine