TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the Best of Basket, Boot, and Bonnet Event
held Sunday, 25 April 2004

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Mike's display of Old Speckled Hen
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Sue, 'GT, and Hook Norton

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Carl & Kate Fisher with 'TD

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Paul Thiergardt &  his 'TF

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Andy, Cynthia & 'TF
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Olive & Robin Watson
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The Jones &'73 B

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Mike, Denise & '79B
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Alan & Beckey

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Chuck & Becky Hassler
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The Nagles & '80 LE
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Frank & his '74B

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Checking out Frank's bonnet
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Line of MGs

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Hosts Alan & Beckey
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Bonnets up!

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Row of MGs

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Olive & Mike
26 Andy & Paul Ready to Draw.jpg (82176 bytes)

Andy and Paul talk 'TFs

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Beckey prepares lunch
17 Ready to enjoy Beckey's and the basket goodies.jpg (79820 bytes)

Digging in

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Eating lunch

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View from the other side
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Hope that's not beer!

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Oops, maybe it was!
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Cynthia reaching for her basket

16 Kate & Carl Winner Best Basketr.jpg (52304 bytes)

Carl & Kate

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Little bit of England
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Beckey prepares to give out prizes
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Robin wins Best Boot

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Robin, prize, & boot
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Frank wins Best Bonnet

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Carl & Kate leave with their prize