TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the 2004 Boulders Show in Richmond VA

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View from below
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View from the tent

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View from behind

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'TDs & barbecue
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Eiko & Doug Wilson & 'TD
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Early MGBs

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Frank's MGB and Craig's 'GT
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MGs of Barry & Sue
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Craig & 'GT
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Inspecting 'GT

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Craig relaxing 

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Barry & his '69 MGB
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The Hurleys & yellow MGB

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The Cummings & '69 GT
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Sue & granddaughter Taylor with 'GT
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Sue & Barry relaxing

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Sue & her '72 GT
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Frank & '71 MGB
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Late MGBs
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Denise & Mike & '79 MGB

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Greg & Denise relax behind Mike's B
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Early Triumphs

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Voted most room for improvement
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TR7s & tent

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Austin Healeys
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Austin Healeys
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Early Jaguars from behind

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Row of Jaguars
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Former Jaguar of James Brown

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'46 MK IV Jaguar
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Taylor & '26 Rolls Royce
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Taylor & DeLoreans
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Sunbeam Tiger

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Sunbeam Alpine
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Austin Healey kit car
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Small-block Chevy powered

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Racing Morgans
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Morgan +4

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Morgan Aero8
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Awaiting prizes

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Craig gets 1st place
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Stopping for dinner

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MGs at the VA Diner