TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from Watkins Glen 50th Anniversary Collier Cup
race held 9-11 September 2004 

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MGs by the lake
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On the road

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Eiko at the Glen

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Craig at falls

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Smalley's Garage
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Frank, Craig, Vince, & Doug
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1930 "Double Twelve" racer

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T-Series show

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MG T series

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Zippo lighter car
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Inspecting race car

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Preparing for a race

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Checking out a Bugatti
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Vince & Eiko

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Morgan 3-wheeler
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'28 Ford racer
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Race cars on the streets

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Driving through the streets
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Winner of 1st Collier Cup race
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'TF leading MGs
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Surrounded by T-series MGs

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MG T series
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Surrounding hills
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On the track
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Lined up with other MGs
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Doug on the track

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From inside Doug's MGB
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Inside Craig's 'GT
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View from the stands
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Track action
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Bobby Rahal leading the pack

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More track action
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Frank, Doug, Vince, & Craig
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Doug & Craig relax