TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the MG 2004 Convention, 24-27 June, Parsippany, NJ
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Host hotel parking lot

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MG parking only

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Lots of MGs

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Parking lot repair

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Picnic chow line

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Dining tent

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Valve cover racers

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Valve cover races

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Revolutionary war interpreter

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Telling Revolutionary war stories
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Playing Aunt Sally

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MG Olympics

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Tyre rolling event

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Parking lot party

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Staying dry under a tree
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Show field, left side
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Show field, right side

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View of field from the shade

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Another view

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MG 'T series

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Alamo Beige MGA
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Joyce & Craig & '69 GT

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Doug & '76 B

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Mike & '79 B

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Sue & '72 GT

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Joyce, Craig, Eiko, & Doug
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Craig & Doug
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Craig relaxing