TMGC Picture Gallery 

More pictures from the SVBCC Waynesboro show
held 1-3 October, Page 2   

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Early Jaguar roadsters
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Morris Minor convertible

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French classics

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Italian classics
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'88 MG Metro Turbo

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60's sedan

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Mini Moke

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40's Singer

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191? Pratt-Elkardt
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River by park

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Barb wins a door prize
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Craig wins a door prize

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Sue wins a door prize
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MGBs at Antique Center

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Craig wins an award

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Doug wins an award

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Members at the banquet

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MGs at the Monticello Wine Festival
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Members at wine festival

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MGBs at Mitchie's Tavern

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Pit stop
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Lunch at Surrey House

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'29 Buick and Sue's GT