TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the Fall Tech Session held 20 November

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Good turnout

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Rubber bumper MGBs

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More MGBs

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76 MGB & Model T

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Doug & Model T

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Craig, Frank, Terry, Vince, & Chuck

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Chuck, Becky, & Craig
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Olive & Becky

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Mark, Vince, & Craig

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JD & Jim

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Andy adjusts windscreen

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Philip & John continue
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Kicking tyres

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Mike & Roy

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Assessing carbs

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John checking things out

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Next candidate, Jim's Midget
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Assessing issues

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Mark & Jim adjust carb

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JD & Jim continue

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Doug checks engine

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Mike eats lunch
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Sue's 74 GT awaits new parts

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Assessing Bill's door issue

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Frank makes adjustment

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Rest of us take notes

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Sue's donor GT
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Philip leaves with new windscreen

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Jim leaving