TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the Fall British Car Festival held 30 Sep - 2 Oct
in the Waynesboro VA area, Page 1

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Crabtree Falls

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Another view

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Still in bloom

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Alan admiring view

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Shenandoah Valley

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Hotel room with a view

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MGBs on the field

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Chrome bumper MGs
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Another view

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Unexpected tech session

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Repairing clutch slave cylinder

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Bleeding the system
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A-H Frogeyes & Midgets
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MGAs & Magnette

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Rubber bumper MGBs

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Another view

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Back row MGBs
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V8 'GT
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GTs of Sue & Greg

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Original 12K mi MGB

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MGA racer

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Barry & Sue
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Mike & Denise
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Frank & son

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Alan & Beckey

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Craig & Doug

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Greg Coogan

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Kerry & Frank

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Early TRs