TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the Hunt County Classic British Car Show held 08 October 2006
in Middleburg VA

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Willoughby Farm

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Early MGs
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MG TD ready for a picnic

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More MGAs

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Iris blue MGA

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Early MGBs

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More GTs

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Late MGBs

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More late MGBs

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Dana & Eiko, Doug's 76 MGB
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Bob & Dana Reisse, Craig

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Frank, Eiko, Doug, Bob, Dana

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Austin Healeys

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Lotus 7

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Daimler SP250
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Mystery car #1

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Mytery car #2

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'51 Singer

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R-R cabriolet

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'36 R-R
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Later R-R

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Admiring early Jaguar

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Early Jag
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Late Jags
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Frank & Sue check out LBCs

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MGB-powered racer

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Plantation House
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Ready for the hunt

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Lotus Elite

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Lotus Elise

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Morris Minors

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Craig, Joyce, & GT
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Craig & Joyce take 1st place in MGB GT