TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the MG2007 Convention held 16-20 July, page 1

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IMG_0881R.jpg (158336 bytes)

Host hotel in Rohnert Park

IMG_4381R.jpg (124340 bytes)
Welcome MG2007
IMG_1034R.jpg (258685 bytes)

MGs at the Double Tree

IMG_4377R.jpg (229649 bytes)

Show field

IMG_4378R.jpg (261717 bytes)

Looking left

IMG_4380R.jpg (170508 bytes)

Looking right

IMG_0883R.jpg (201009 bytes)


IMG_0884R.jpg (223111 bytes)

IMG_0886R.jpg (215927 bytes)

More MGA's

IMG_0874R.jpg (278103 bytes)

Ready for action

IMG_4382R.jpg (218707 bytes)


IMG_4386R.jpg (224439 bytes)
'T series

IMG_4387R.jpg (207375 bytes)

More T's
IMG_0922R.jpg (210289 bytes)

Another view

IMG_0921R.jpg (247210 bytes)

Roses, T's & hills

IMG_0875R.jpg (253570 bytes)

MGB & trailer

IMG_0876R.jpg (242541 bytes)

Double-ended trailer

IMG_4398R.jpg (207325 bytes)

Another trailer
IMG_0914R.jpg (222895 bytes)

Early MGB's

IMG_0926R.jpg (174476 bytes)

Daily driver pull-handle

IMG_0912R.jpg (201158 bytes)

More chrome bumper B's

IMG_0913R.jpg (267008 bytes)

Opposite view

IMG_0903R.jpg (188555 bytes)

Louvered bonnet
IMG_0915R.jpg (176247 bytes)

Concours cars

IMG_0916R.jpg (201031 bytes)

Judging factory V8 GT

IMG_0891R1.jpg (256890 bytes)

Judging early MGB

IMG_4395R.jpg (293416 bytes)

More chrome bumper B's

IMG_0910R.jpg (251030 bytes)

Even more
IMG_0905R.jpg (243263 bytes)

Opposite view

IMG_0868R.jpg (305890 bytes)

Striped GT

IMG_4402R.jpg (211632 bytes)

Early GT

IMG_4391R.jpg (176529 bytes)
GT lineup

IMG_0899R.jpg (190694 bytes)

Opposite view
IMG_4392R.jpg (166384 bytes)

From the rear

IMG_0930R.jpg (167547 bytes)

Business end

IMG_4401R.jpg (230553 bytes)
Alan Bachelders' GT-note VA badge
IMG_4408R.jpg (243447 bytes)

Lone rubber bumper GT

IMG_0906R.jpg (202791 bytes)

Pair of Midgets
IMG_0900R.jpg (187821 bytes)

Rubber bumper MGB's

IMG_0902R.jpg (126505 bytes)

More late MGB's

IMG_4393R.jpg (156112 bytes)

Opposite view

IMG_0909R.jpg (177957 bytes)
Even more

IMG_0887R.jpg (255477 bytes)

Painted bumper MGB
IMG_4388R.jpg (198494 bytes)


IMG_4403R.jpg (209628 bytes)

Opposite view