TMGC Picture Gallery 

                 Pictures from the MG 2008 Convention in Philadelphia, PA held 25-29 June
 page 4, Saturday continued and Sunday

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V8 conversions

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Factory V8
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Original dealer sticker

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Not a factory V8

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More V8 MGs

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Up close

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Fuel injected
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Lone 1100

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Lone MG TF

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Pair of early Triumphs

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Food vendors
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NAMGBR & host club tents

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BSA Motorcycle

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Then the rain came!

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Diehards stay

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Huddling under a tent
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Wet show field

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Mike sticks it out

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Sun comes out!

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Drying out

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Tad, Sandy, Mike, and Barry
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Working on a GT

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Man & best friends: MG and dog

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Back at the hotel

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Looking towards the hotel

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Pool party
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Becky, Dana, Eiko, Bob, Joyce & Craig

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Mike, Barry, Terry & Susan

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Doug visits our table

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Linda & Jack

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Karen & Tad
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Terry & Susan

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Richard & Sandy

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Mike, Barry

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Eiko & Doug

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Frank & Morris
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Canadian friends Jim & Kent

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Peninsula gang

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Bob takes 2nd place

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Craig takes 3rd place

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Ready to leave Sunday morning
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Leaving the city

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Down country roads

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Over the C& O Canal

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Stopping at rest area in VA
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Adding coolant to Mike's radiator