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TMGC Photo Gallery Index
Pictures from the year 2017

Photo Gallery Archive    

Holiday Lights - Pictures from the Holiday Lights drive at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond, & Donald Ladd.


Holiday Party - Pictures from the Holiday Party hosted by Jim & Betty.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond, Rose Ladd, & Mike Haag.


Fall Tech Session - Pictures from the Fall Tech Session hosted by Mathieu & Rachel.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond & Mike Haag.


Monticello Drive - Pictures from the Monticello Drive to Charlottesvile, VA.  Pictures submitted by Donald & Rose Ladd.


November Meeting - Pictures from the November meeting hosted by Pete Olson in Virginia Beach, VA.  Pictures submitted by Rose Ladd & Susan Bond.


October Meeting - Pictures from the October meeting hosted by Bill & Renee in Virginia Beach, VA.  Pictures submitted by Mike Haag.


TRAACA Show - Pictures from the TRAACA show at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach,VA.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond.


September Meeting - Pictures from the September meeting at the Ocean View Fishing Pier in Norfolk, VA.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond & Andy Wallach.


Eclipse Drive - Pictures from the Drive to the Eclipse in South Carolina.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.


August Tech Session - Pictures from the August Tech Session hosted by Jim & Linda.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.


August Meeting - Pictures from the August meeting hosted by Faith & PJ in Hampton,VA.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd and Mike Haag.


July Meeting - Pictures from the July meeting at Great Neck Park in Virginia Beach.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.


Tides Game - Pictures from the Tides baseball game June 27th.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond and Donald Ladd.


June Meeting - Pictures from the June meeting hosted by Bill & Issie.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond.


Moss MotorFest - Pictures from the Moss MotorFest in Petersburg, VA on 2-3 June 2017.  Pictures submitted by Susan & Terry Bond, Mike Haag, and Donald Ladd.


Spring Tour - Pictures from the Spring Tour to the Shenandoah Valley 28-30 April.  Pictures submitted by Susan & Terry Bond, Craig Cummings, Bruce Easley, Mike Haag, Al Jackson, Donald Ladd and Beckey Watson.

Spring Tech Session - Pictures from the Spring Tech Session on April 23rd hosted by Frank & Debbie.  Pictures submitted by Susan & Terry Bond, Donald Ladd and Mike Haag.

Williamsburg Show - Pictures from the Williamsburg Car Show on April 22nd.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.

Flash Drive - Pictures from the Flash Drive to Williamsburg, VA on April 9th.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.


April Meeting - Pictures from the April meeting hosted by Jayne & Bruce.  Pictures submitted by Susan Bond and Donald Ladd.

Antique Treasure Hunt - Pictures from the Antique Treasure Hunt to the Northern Neck of VA. Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd, Susan Bond, and Mike Haag.

March Meeting - Pictures from the March meeting hosted by Jim & Betty.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.

Brew Cruise - Pictures from the Tidewater Brew Cruise to Hampton & Virginia Beach, VA. Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd, Bruce Easley, Tad Carter, and Mike Haag.


February Meeting - Pictures from the February meeting hosted by Eric & Cindy.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.


January Meeting - Pictures from the January meeting at Frankie's Place for Ribs restaurant.  Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd.





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